Austria A

Republic of Austria

Republik Österreich


Capital: Wien

Area: 83'849 km²



Country-Information on Wikipedia

Plates-Information on Wikipedia


For most common series I have load up max. 3 pictures. From these series I have usually many more pictures in my collection.

Normal plates 2002

Normal plates 2002 two line

Personalized plates 2002

Personalized plates 2002 two line

Plates for electric cars since 2017

Personalized plates for electric cars since 2017

Plates with special-codes for vehicle-type or special use

Wien: MW = Rental cars (Mietwagen)

Wien: TX = Taxi

Wien: GT = Truck over 600 kg (Gütertransport)

Salzburg: T = Taxi

Zell am See: T = Taxi

Kufstein: MW = Mietwagen

Motorcycle plates 2002

Normal plates 1990

Two line and Motorcycle series 1990

Normal series 1947

Normal series 1947 two line

Diplomatic plates

Consular plates

Official plates

BH = Bundesheer (Military)

PT = Post- und Telegraphenverwaltung (Postal- and Telegraph Service)

BD = Bundesbus-Dienst (Federal Bus Service)

BB = Bundesbahn (Federal Railway)

Temporary plates

Temporary plates (max. 3 weeks)

Dealer and test plates

Dealer and test plates series 1947

Plates for foreign trailer by Austrian registred vehicles or additional plate for boxes and bicycle-racks, Serie 2021 with Euroband

Plates for foreign trailer by Austrian registred vehicles or additional plate for boxes and bicycle-racks, Serie 2021 with Euroband (requested)

Plates for foreign trailer by Austrian registred vehicles or additional plate for boxes and bicycle-racks

Plates for foreign trailer by Austrian registred vehicles or additional plate for boxes and bicycle-racks (requested)

Moped plates